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...and then what?

All about life, and other misery...

Language: en

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Latest news

Large collection of jokes added, including several pages of lightbulb jokes.

Improved naviation on the riddles page.

New site design by WordProInfo

Privacy Information

We do not use or store any personally identifiable information, and do not share any user information other than what the user wants posted, unless required by law. Web servers may use a logging feature which may identify the IP address of computers connecting to the site. It is also possible to determine the operating system, browser, and general geographic location of the machine that accesses the site.

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Third-Party Information

This site may use Google AdSense ads. Here is some privacy information from Google:

How are you protecting the privacy of my site’s users?

The user information collected through interest-based advertising is used in accordance with Google’s privacy policies. It is not used to identify users personally and we don’t use personally identifiable information to show interest-based ads. Please review both the Privacy Policy for Google Ads and the You Tube Privacy Policy for more information.

In addition, we’re enabling users to see how ads are being customized to their interests via the Ads Preferences Manager, which they can find through the Google Privacy Center and most “Ads by Google” links seen in Google ads. Users can add or remove categories to improve the relevance of the ads they see or opt out of interest-based ads entirely. With this tool, we hope that users will feel engaged and comfortable with the ads shown to them. For more information, please visit the Google ads privacy center.