Large collection of jokes added, including several pages of lightbulb jokes.
Improved naviation on the riddles page.
New site design by WordProInfo
All the great stuff in life that makes you say, “Life is no joke!” While we’re thinking about how miserable life can be, we might as well try to laugh and have some fun.
I feel like I’m diagonally parked in a parallel universe. – bumper sticker
There is a saying in America, “Laughter is the best medicine”, which probably came from the book of Proverbs.
“A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.”
- Prov 17:22
Sure we get up and go to work even when we don’t feel like it. We pay our taxes, and unexpected expenses, and wonder how to make ends meet. Then they keep moving the ends! Then to make matter worse, there is bad news about the economy, the mortgage mess, and job losses. By now you should have figured out that you may have to do things you don’t like, and there are bad people in the world. We feel pain, get sick, and eventually die. —life is no joke!
O.K., now that you’re feeling depressed try to look on the bright side of things, and change your attitude. No matter how miserable you feel, there is always something to laugh about.
We try to build a site that has only clean jokes. Then we put some advertising on it to try to make a little money, and what do we find? Stuff we wouldn’t put on our site. What can I say, other than “Life is no joke!”
You may think it’s easy to build a website. There are even tools to help make things easier. Most people don’t realize how much time it takes to gather content and make a useful site. Then when you are finally all done, someone doesn’t like something about the layout, content, graphics, or whatever. Then there is the procrastination we all face…
—Life is no joke, I tell ya.